Ζούμε δίχως άλλο την απόλυτη παρακμή της Ελλάδας…

Επιτέλους μια γνώμη χωρίς υποκρισία στην κόλαση των ημερών…

* ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΘΗΚΕ: 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2008 στην εφημερίδα ΤΑ ΝΕΑ

Οι δικοί μας Ταλιμπάν

Του Τάκη Θεοδωρόπουλου

Η ΔΙΑΦΟΡΑ των δικών μας Ταλιμπάν από τους άλλους είναι ότι οι δικοί μας είναι αντίγραφα ελληνικού τύπου. Κρύβονται κι αυτοί, σκεπάζουν τα πρόσωπά τους, πλην όμως ξέρουν πως ό,τι κι αν κάνουν δεν διακινδυνεύουν τίποτε. Σίγουρα δεν διακινδυνεύουν τη ζωή τους. Όποιος τολμήσει να τους αγγίξει θα χρισθεί πάραυτα και με συνοπτικές διαδικασίες αντιδραστικός από την περιρρέουσα προοδευτική συνείδηση. Η δράση τους στηρίζεται στην ατιμωρησία και το απυρόβλητο το οποίο προστατεύει τους παρανόμους στο καθεστώς της ανομίας, είτε είναι Ταλιμπάν είτε είναι άνθρωποι της νύχτας. Η νοοτροπία τους δεν διαφέρει από τη νοοτροπία του τσαμπουκά που σκαρφαλώνει στο πεζοδρόμιο με το μηχανάκι του γιατί έτσι γουστάρει. Βάλλουν κατά δικαίους και αδίκους γιατί δεν διεκδικούν τίποτε. Απλώς θέλουν να καταστρέψουν. Τους προστατεύει πάνω απ΄ όλα η αύρα της υποκρισίας μας.

Ορισμένοι από μας τους ονομάζουν αντιεξουσιαστές, τους παρέχουν ιδεολογικό άσυλο και τους δικαιολογούν γιατί μοιράζονται μαζί τους την αγανάκτηση κατά της «άτιμης» κοινωνίας. Η κυβέρνηση των ειδικών αναγκών απαιτεί απ΄ αυτούς να αναλάβουν τις ευθύνες που δεν μπορεί να αναλάβει η ίδια.

Όσο για μας τους υπόλοιπους, ψάχνουμε τη ζωή μας μέσα στα αποκαΐδια.

Dear friends,

While the world’s attention is elsewhere, the global negotiations to tackle the climate crisis are reaching a crunch point. Talks are underway in Poland and Brussels to hammer out a deal that should lead to a new and powerful global treaty. But now, Italy, Germany, and Poland itself are aggressively undermining the talks.

If these countries’ leaders — Merkel, Berlusconi and Tusk — don’t change course now, Europe will fail to reach a unified position, which could unravel the entire global process.

Here at the Poland UN conference and at the EU talks in Brussels, Avaaz has secured face-to-face meetings with key climate negotiators. We’ll hand the diplomats fresh public opinion polls on climate plus this petition:

A bold EU climate package is critical to the global climate negotiations. Europe must honour their promise to increase binding, carbon-cutting commitments to at least 30% by 2020 if a global deal is reached; and provide leadership in the United Nations talks to deliver a powerful new global agreement.

By simply clicking «yes,» you will automatically add your name. Do you support this petition?

Yes No
For the last year, the US, Canada, and Japan have been the worst obstructionists in climate talks — as more than 300,000 of us helped expose in Bali. But now, Bush, Fukuda and Harper are gone or heading out the door. A breakthrough could be near as we approach the final stretch… if only Europe weren’t on the verge of abandoning its ambitious climate program.

Coal and heavy industry lobbies are using the financial crisis as a smokescreen to block progress. Due to Germany, Italy, and Poland, the European Union is deadlocked in Brussels — and ineffective at the United Nations talks. We must succeed this week to have any chance of building the road map to the final UN meeting in Copenhagen next year.

In all three countries, it’s not too late. We can show these governments that their own citizens and the rest of the world will not settle for anything less than strong climate action. Avaaz is commissioning independent opinion polls on climate in all three countries, building a massive global petition for delivery in meetings and stunts at the UN and EU talks, and launching a major media campaign to shame, cajole, and encourage EU leaders to do the right thing.

Click here to add your name to the petition:

Or click here if you don’t wish to sign:

Before Obama takes the helm, the next step in the world’s response to climate change depends on European leadership. Here’s what we need Europe to bring to the global table: 30% emissions cut by 2020 if a global deal is reached, 100% auctioning of permits, and a strict compliance regime to ensure targets are met. The EU’s climate policy will electrify or dampen the international negotiations in Poland, while setting the stage for the final meeting in Copenhagen.

For all of us who have ever been concerned about climate change, now’s the time to send a message calling for leadership and vision. By the time we reach the new year, Europe’s policy will be sealed, and with it much of the global response to the climate crisis.


* από τη Λιάνα

MSNBC is doing a survey whether the Armenian Genocide should be recognized
or not. As of a few minutes ago the numbers showed Yes 21%, No 79% !

Turks have mobilized a global campaign to shift results towards «No» even though the Armenian Genocide (along with

other many other crimes against humanity) is a historical fact, .  Do not let this go unacknowledged and unrecognized.

Please vote ‘ YES ‘ at the below link and send it to everyone you know.

Go to: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21253084

Συνάντηση στο σπίτι της Λιάνας, 31 Μαΐου 2008

Από αριστερά: Έρι, Αλίκη Β (έκπληξη της μέρας – είχαμε να τη δούμε από το σχολείο), Λίλιαν, Χρυσούλα, Μιράντα, Δήμητρα, Λόλα, Άρτεμις, Αλίκη Α, Ιωάννα, Μαργαρίτα Π, Λιάνα, Βαλιάννα. Λείπουν από τη φωτογραφία (κι όχι από τη συνάντηση) η Λένα, η Στεφανία, η Πέπη και η Μαργαρίτα Ρ. Πλήρες φωτορεπορτάζ στη σελίδα: Τελευταία συνάντηση (πατήστε κλικ)

Ευχαριστούμε θερμά τον Έρικ, γυιό της Λιάνας, για τις θαυμάσιες φωτογραφίες που τράβηξε και μας έστειλε!

Από τη μία το μεσημέρι και μέχρι τις οκτώ ξεσαλώσαμε, περάσαμε υπέροχα…Αναδειχθήκαμε για άλλη μια φορά σε αχτύπητη ομάδα πολλαπλών, μάλλον ανεξάντλητων ιδιοτήτων…

Καταφέραμε να περνάμε με μοναδικές ταχύτητες από τα πιο σοβαρά θέματα στα πιο κωμικά, από τις πιο προσωπικές εξομολογήσεις στις κοινωνικές αναλύσεις…

Φωνές, γέλια, αγάπη και τρυφερότητα! Το όμορφο περιβάλλον της γλυκιάς μας οικοδέσποινας, η απαράμιλλη φροντίδα της, το καλοκαιράκι στο ξεκίνημα του μας ανέβασαν με το παραπάνω!!

Και οι 17 ήμασταν υπέροχες και μας…αγαπάμε!!


Κι όσες τεμπέλες δεν ήρθατε να…ζηλεύετε!!!

On Monday, the International Criminal Court indicted Sudan’s President Omar Al Bashir for genocide. He is charged with killing hundreds of thousands of people in Sudan and its Darfur region, and corralling the surviving women and girls into terrifying camps where they are being quietly and systematically raped until their peoples are destroyed.

In response, Al Bashir’s regime is threatening more terror against Darfurians and the UN, and appealing to powerful international friends who buy oil from and sell weapons to Sudan to give him protection. Al Bashir knows that he will be caught only if other governments, especially Arab and African governments, agree to help the International Criminal Court (for example by arresting him when he travels abroad).

Targeting Al Bashir is our best hope to end the terror of Darfur’s rape camps, and take a major step forward for international justice. Many of Sudan’s neighbours are Muslim countries where rape is a scandalous crime – and Al Bashir’s henchmen have killed and raped thousands of Muslim women. To raise awareness of this, Avaaz is launching a large regional ad campaign, urging leaders to help the ICC. Our ads will run in just a few days, and a full page ad in an Egyptian newspaper is just 3000Euros($5000), so we need just 50,000 Euros ($75,000) to get our message across. Click below to help:


Many in the international community are concerned that this indictment will undermine attempts to make peace with Al Bashir, and even blame the ICC for threatening peace. Some of those concerns are just a cover for Sudan’s oil and arms dealing partners. Others are more legitimate, but must contend with Darfur’s victims and survivors, who have the most at stake, and are universally supportive of justice. They say they have seen Al Bashir break every agreement he has signed for 20 years, and that no lasting peace can be signed that leaves a genocidaire with the power to commit his crimes again.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a giant step forward for humankind – a single global court, with the power to try any person who has committed the worst crimes against humanity. It has an independent prosecutor, Luis Moreno Ocampo of Argentina, and judges from Brazil, Latvia, and Ghana. This is the first time the ICC has indicted a sitting head of state, and all the world’s worst current and future mass criminals are watching closely. Let’s send them a clear message: that justice, and the rule of law, are on the march. Let’s help make it happen, and make sure that all our governments help the ICC to succeed in this first test, and end the terror of Darfur’s people.

With hope,

Ricken, Mark, Graziela, Pascal, Paul, Veronique, Iain, Ben and the whole Avaaz team.

PS – You can see report backs and achievements of recent Avaaz campaigns here: http://www.avaaz.org/en/report_back_1
Avaaz is a legally registered not for profit organization, and we do not receive any money from governments or corporations. We are funded and driven by our members, who come from every nation of the world.

PPS – Here are some links to more information:

The full text of the International Criminal Court statement:
he Enough Project: «The Merits of Justice» (in Sudan)
New York Times: «Catching a war criminal in the act»
BBC: «Profile: Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir»